Welcome to TorahBibleCodes Sphinx documentation!

TorahBibleCodes is a Free, Open-Source Python Project that enables you to search for hidden Torah Bible Codes in the Hebrew Torah (in both the Koren and Leningrad Codices) and Bible (in the Leningrad Codex). We offer a simple and intuitive App (and API) that is both free and open-source.

Please visit our web site, GitHub, Academia, StackOverflow, YouTube, Rumble, Twitter, and GiveSendGo.

HOMEPAGE URL: https://TorahBibleCodes.com

GITHUB: https://github.com/torahbiblecodes

READTHEDOCS (this page): https://torahbiblecodes-sphinx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

ACADEMIA: https://www.academia.edu/104334275

STACKOVERFLOW: https://stackoverflow.com/users/8911652/torahbiblecodes

TWITTER: @TorahBibleCodes https://twitter.com/TorahBibleCodes

YOUTUBE: @TorahBibleCodes https://www.youtube.com/@TorahBibleCodes

YOUTUBE: @TorahBibleCodes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNsvtMx4JJRpNzzPq57HCqg

GIVESENDGO: @TorahBibleCodes https://www.givesendgo.com/torahbiblecodes

Check out the Usage section for further information, including how to complete Installation the project.


This project is under active BETA development: Work-in-Progress.
